Costco Wholesale was featured last Wednesday after it triggered our oversold alert, and we were looking for a reversal. The stock did just that and gave us a strong move higher for the week. Eight-day return of 7.7%.
#4 LEN
Lennar Corp was featured in last Fridayโs newsletter. The stock paused for a few days after our entry and then took off yesterday and today. It fell just shy of our price target as the pause lasted a bit longer than expected, but a great trade nonetheless. Six-day return of 8.5%.
#3 PHM
Pulte Group was featured in last Thursdayโs newsletter. Like LEN mentioned above, the stock had an extended pause and then exploded the past two days for a seven-day return of 9%.
Upstart Holdings was featured in this morningโs newsletter and was by far this weekโs most exciting trade. We outlined this trade with pinpoint accuracy and delivered it to our members 3 1/2 hours before the market opened. We specified that the stock typically moves $17-$19 per day, but we were only looking for a $15 profit per share given the current weakness. We hit our target by 11 am for a 12% return in less than 2hrs.
(See below what was sent to members at 6 am)
This weekโs top trade was Tripadvisor!
Tripadvisor was featured in Wednesday morningโs newsletter, where we were specifically looking for a sharp reversal around the $45 area. The stock came within $1 of $45 and then gave us a massive reversal exactly as we had game planned, for a two-day return of 19%.
(See below what was sent to members at 6 am on Wednesday)