Wednesday mornings newsletter called for a buy of Apple stock if it gets above $442.20. The trade triggered and the stock traveled from $442 to $457.17 for a one day return of 3.5%
#4 SE
Tuesday mornings newsletter called for a buy of Sea Limited at $130. The stock traveled from $132.28 to $146.34, producing a two day return of 10.7%
#3 FB
Facebook was featured as our first idea on Thursday mornings newsletter. We were looking to buy the stock above $245. The stock traded from $248.88 to $278.31 producing a solid two day return of 12.1%
Livongo Health was published in Wednesday mornings newsletter. The stock triggered our overbought alert and we were looking to initiate a short sale on it as soon as the market opened. The stock fell $27.12 generating a very nice three day return of 18.3%
#1 GSX
GSX was this weeks top pick and was featured on this mornings newsletter. We were looking for profit taking to come in as this stock also went into overbought territory. The short sale triggered at 11:45am and within a two and a half hours the stock fell $42.69 making this our top weekly pick at a massive one day return of 30.1%!